Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Barbie In A mermaid Tale

Merliah is a 16-year-old teenage girl living in Malibu beach. Like teenagers who live near the coast of Malibu others, Merliah and 2 friend named Fallon and Hadley often follow water surfing competition.
One time was in a surfing contest, Merliah experienced a miracle. When splashed in the sea, Merliah hair color changed to pink. What is even more strange, Merliah can breathe in the sea water and can talk to sea animals.

Merliah tell oddity that happened to his grandfather who called Break. How shocked Merliah because Break tells the secret that had been dipendamnya, it is a descendant Merliah Mermaid (mermaid).

Once before he died in an accident, Merliah father / son got married to the queen Break mermaid named Calissa, the relationship was born Merliah.
As a mix of humans and mermaids, Merliah have as human beings that is not finned and still have the legs but Merliah have the ability as a mermaid that is able to breathe in the water and can talk to sea animals.

Although Merliah child mermaid queen, but Merliah not live in residence at the Oceania Mermaid is located on the sea floor but by the Queen Calissa is deposited to Break. That's because the mermaid palaces are in danger of being a coup. Queen Calissa sister named Eris wants to be queen and tried to overthrow the Queen Calissa.

Eris tries to seize the throne of Queen Calissa for feeling jealous, of all the royal family of Queen Calissa can only make a thread merilia (the food of the dugong). That's when it's burned people a sense of envy, Eris did not realize that he also has the advantage that they can create deadly whirlpools because it can suck up to anyone. Even worse, excess water is used to create a vortex to revolt and managed to seize the throne of Queen Eris Calissa.

Eris can be Queen of Oceania and no one dares to fight for fear of being included in the whirlpool Eris. While Queen Calissa confined in a detention room and forced to continue to make yarn merilia.

What about Merliah? Apparently Merliah feel sad and insecure after learning that he had a disorder compared to other humans. To relieve her grief, Merliah trying to continue to convince himself that he was still a normal human.

Until one day Merliah changed his mind because when you're off the coast along with Hadley and Fallon, Merliah picked up by a dolphin named Zuma Oceania Palace.
Merliah willing to go to Oceania because Zuma Zuma said that according to the court astrologer forecast is 3 mermaids calling itself The destinies, only Merliah who could help
her mother, Calissa of Eris and cruelty can be the queen again.

Having arrived in Oceania, Merliah got a new friend that is 2 mermaid named Kayla and Xylie and their pet, a dog named Snouts sea. It is an advantage for Merliah since Kayla and Xylie is a boutique owner who is a subscription Eris. Kayla and Xylie also makes fake fin to Merliah so Merliah could masquerade as a genuine mermaid and not arouse suspicion.

Thanks to the help of Kayla and Xylie, Merliah could sneak into the palace to meet with Eris and astrologer The destinies. According to The destinies, can liberate Merliah mengunpulkan mother with three conditions, namely: comb heaven (celestial comb), the fish's dream (dreamfish) and necklaces that are always used Eris.

Thanks to the help of Kayla, Xylie and Snouts, Merliah can beat two giant jellyfish heaven guards the cave where the comb so that it can get a comb heaven. After that Merliah with expertise surf water get into the whirlpool that is home dreamfish then Merliah could attract a dreamfish to come with him. The most difficult part is the last requirement is grab a necklace that is always used Eris.
But cleverly, in the presence of Eris, Merliah, Kayla and Xylie who not only sang beautifully but his verse contains praise for Eris Eris so complacent and do not feel the necklace was seized by Merliah.

But after getting the three conditions that, Merliah feel confused how to use it. And Eris already know that the child Merliah
Calissa then enter Merliah into the water vortex. Merliah could have been killed in the vortex.

But the three conditions that ultimately prove to yourself its usefulness as follows:

    * Dreamfish turned out to have magical powers that can turn into a mermaid original Merliah complete with fins so that Merliah get out of the whirlpool Eris.
    * With a comb heaven, Merliah can prove that he was the son of Calissa because only the royal family who had a comb that.
    * Necklace Eris was able to bring movie making yarn merilia Calissa so that people know that the actual Calissa mermaid who makes yarn merilia not Eris.

Then a more encouraging, with cunning, can trap Merliah Eris so get into the whirlpool he made his own. After that Merliah can also liberate Calissa so that it can be the queen again.
For his services, was named the Princess Royal Merliah Oceania Mermaid (Mermaid

Even so, Merliah still feel sad that he now really become a mermaid complete with fins so it can not return to the mainland as a human. But the Queen Calissa give Merliah a magical necklace.
With a magical necklace, Merliah can turn himself into a human or a mermaid as he pleased.
Merliah finally come home to Malibu Beach and met again with my beloved grandfather. In addition, Merliah can also go back to Oceania as a mermaid and then met with her

birth mother.
It turns out that the original abnormality makes Merliah be inferior could be a surplus of fun.

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